
Battle of Britain (July 1940)

German Luftwaffe Junker Ju-87 Pilot
11th July 1940

The attack on Britain has begun! The only country in all of Europe that is still resisting the Führer, will not survive for long. To Britain’s north and west is open sea and though it is still under the control of the Royal Navy, German submarines have successfully infiltrated the waters have already sunk many warships and merchantmen. To Britain’s Northeast, East and South are the newly occupied German territories of Norway, Denmark, Holland, Belgium and France.

I have flown in the first raids on Britain and the Junker Ju-87’s ability to attack in a near-vertical dive will terrorize Britain, just as it had in Rotterdam and Warsaw. The British possess no bomber of this caliber.

Furthermore, our pilots we much more experienced and we have no difficulty in attracting a steady stream of well-trained pilots. Göring has ensured this by intentionally arranging excellent salaries, uniforms and conditions for the Luftwaffe.

We are now awaiting the Führer’s command for the Luftwaffe to launch its major offensive. The coordination of the army, navy and Luftwaffe, must be underway. The Supreme Commander will orchestrate this so that the British will find themselves paralysed, unable to defend themselves against the combined prowess of German might.

The tactics that we are employing have been honed through years of experience and training and its unlikely that the RAF will be able to merely replicate them. The loose Schwarmen that is being used has destroyed RAF squadrons. It comprises of 2 pairs of pilots, with each pair comprising of a leader and his wingman. The wingmen are responsible for guarding the tail, while the leaders are better marksmen and more experienced pilots. Also, the ingenuity of the formation, that each aircraft is at a slightly different altitude, helps to reduce the risk of collision. The British will come to realize that German might and experience are not to be trifled with.

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