
Battle of Britain (September 1940)

Winston Churchill
Prime Minister of Britain, 
Date: 11th September 1940

Since the 7th, the German attacks have been centered on London, first by daylight and now, by night. It seems that Hitler has been angered enough to reverse his initial order forbidding raids on London. He announced, “Since the British attack our cities, we shall wipe out theirs.” The RAF raids on Berlin must have threatened him. His empty promises to the German people that “no enemy bomber would darken their skies”, yet we have successfully bombed Berlin, the very heart of Germany, even though the flight there is five times the distance German pilots have to fly from France or Belgium to London. Such is the supremacy of the RAF! 
Invasion is imminent, but I have full confidence in the RAF. It is the strongest it has ever been and is equipped with modern technology that will lead us to victory. The efforts of the Air Raid Precaution services of London are commendable, particularly the Fire Brigade, whose task is so dangerous.

Everyone in Britain, every man and every woman, is dedicated to our cause. With utmost confidence and devout I say: Let God defend the Right. More men have come forward to volunteer with the military and even women are also playing a huge role. The whole nation has rallied together to face this threat. Road signs, anything that might provide the enemy with directions if he landed, are being torn down and thousands of motorists have parked their cars haphazardly over fields to deter German troop-carrying aircraft from landing. Though many may not have in expertise or training, what we have is sheer determination and will. The spirit of defiance!

As I have declared,” We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.”

Hitler has underestimated our capabilities. He has underestimated the Royal Air Force. He has underestimated the Home Guard. And most unfortunately for him, he has underestimated the spirit of the British nation and the resilience of our people! We will derive inspiration and the means of survival from this suffering, and victory shall be achieved, not only for this generation, but also for the next and many more to come.

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