
French defeat 1940 (Corporal Parkinson Diary) (November 1940)

Bloody French. Army tried to fight, but that scandalous republic of theirs is so feeble they never had a chance. They hated each other more than they hated the Hun. Problem is now we are getting some of that blame. Montreal is not Paris. We are not French. We are Canadian. The French abandoned Canada 150 years ago. Our French Canadians are Canadian, and most of them don't even like the French. Problem is now we have to find a way to fight on without them. We can throw those damn so called Aryan supermen back into the sea if they try to take us on here. The fly boys are doing a good job. But how the hell are we going to take the war back to them? They finally got the message back home. Big influx of volunteers, big expansion of all three services. Seems we are now to have at least two more Canadian divisions come over. Good thing. The Brits got a bashing; we need more Canadians over here. Even that dolt Mackenzie King gets that. But we will never be enough. If we don't get the Yanks into this, I wonder how we will ever win this war. And we might be stuck on this damp ugly island forever, with warm beer, cold women, and no hockey. All the boys think the same way.

Aldershot, 8 November 1940